...or so say the folks at the
Alden Lane Nursery in Livermore. It turns out we still have plenty of growing season in California! I'm intrigued...a new solution for the problem of the late summer, heat-stressed garden...fresh plants!

Livermore's a few hours away, so I take my
shopping list to my local Home Depot to see what they have...
Lobularium maritima, Sweet Alyssum... looks pretty when the weather is cooler, then starts looking ratty, shearing back 4 weeks after they come into bloom will give them a second chance.
Antirrhinum majus, Snapdragon...a friendly flower, does well in the winter garden here in the northern California, as do pansies


vinca - starts blooming in late spring, and won't quit!

I don't find everything on the list, but enough to make me happy!
11 6-packs for $22...a small price to pay for a second spring.