Smart & Sustainable, Green Garden Design, Coaching & Seasonal Maintenance

Friday, December 05, 2008

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Our cat, Oz, died early Sunday morning. We were expecting it and it's a relief to not have the worry and extra work. He wasn't so happy about his condition, either.
He was a sweet boy, most of the time...always purring if you just got close, playing keep-away with the dog...standing up on his back legs looking to be let in and looking like a ermine or a prairie dog. He was trouble, too. Sometimes he just wanted to mix it up with our little old lady cat, Snowball. When he got yelled at, he would go to the backdoor to be let out with a bit of attitude..."allright, then...I'm out of here!"
Sunday morning I prepared the area where he was to be buried...a shady area where he liked to hide out on a summer day for a nap. I removed a rose that got way too much shade, pruned some other shrubs back, raked the leaves. We buried Ozzie and I planted a shrub I have wanted to find a good spot for, Brunfelsia pauciflora 'Floribunda', affectionately referred to as "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" for it's quickly changing blossom colors.
I look out my window and see his little grave. I'm looking forward to seeing his shrub grow.


  1. Aw, it is sad when a pet dies. My sympathy.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about Ozzie. I lost a cat last year (see the side bar on my blog) and I miss her a lot. And thank you so much for the kind words about my blog! I'm sorry to be gone from Davis as well, but so excited about my move and the next phase of my life!

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your cat :( I've had to go through it before myself.
    Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow is a lovely choice. It's one of my favorite plants, for the name alone.

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